自動車機能部品システムメーカーの「愛三工業株式会社」を母体とする愛三工業レーシングチーム(UCI登録名:AISAN Racing Team)は、2006年にUCIコンチネンタルチーム登録を行ってからアジアツアーを主戦場に国内外で戦っている。チームスローガンは「世界への挑戦!アジアNo.1チームへ」。
The AISAN Racing Team (UCI registered name: AISAN Racing Team), which is based on the automotive functional parts system manufacturer "AISAN Industry Co. Since its registration as a UCI Continental Team in 2006, the team has been competing both in Japan and abroad, mainly in the Asian Tour. The team slogan is "Challenge to the world! To be the No.1 team in Asia".

個人総合時間賞 Individual General Classification
The Green Jersey5 CARBONI Giovanni
[JCL]After 8th Stage -
ポイント賞 Points Classification
The Blue Jersey116 TERADA Yoshiki
[SMN]After 8th Stage -
山岳賞 King of the Mountain Classification
The Red Jersey112 NAKAI Tadaaki
[SMN]After 8th Stage -
新人賞 Best Young Rider Classification
The White Jersey41 VINOKUROV Nikolas
[AQD]After 8th Stage -
団体総合時間賞 Team Classification
Team ClassificationTEAM BRIDGELANEAfter 8th Stage