JCL TEAM UKYO は、ジャパンサイクルリーグ(通称:JCL)の立ち上げ当初からの理念である「日本国籍のチームとして史上初めてツール・ド・フランスに出場し、表彰台に登ること」を目標として、2023年JCL チェアマン片山右京により発足したチーム。今後はヨーロッパを拠点としての活動を見据え、国内トップランカーにより国内外のレースに参戦する。将来的に日本人選手を世界に排出していくルートとなり国内の競技力や認知度の向上にも寄与していく。今大会では信州飯田ステージと相模原ステージのホームチームとして、それぞれのステージ優勝とグリーンジャージ獲得を目標に挑む。
JCL TEAM UKYO is aiming to be the first Japanese team ever to compete in the Tour de France and climb the podium, which has been the philosophy of the Japan Cycle League (commonly known as the JCL) since its inception. JCL TEAM UKYO was established in 2023 by JCL Chairman Ukyo Katayama with the goal of becoming the first Japanese nationality team ever to compete in the Tour de France and to climb the podium. The team was launched by JCL Chairman Ukyo Katayama in 2023 with the goal of becoming the first Japanese team ever to compete in the Tour de France and reach the podium. The team plans to base its activities in Europe, The team will be based in Europe, and will be joined by Japan's top rankers in domestic and international races. In the future, the team will be a route for Japanese athletes to compete internationally. The team will also contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness and recognition of the team in Japan. In this event, the home team of the Shinshu-Iida stage and the Sagamihara stage will compete as the home team of their respective stages. The home team of the Shinshu-Iida stage and the Sagamihara stage will be competing in this year's race, aiming to win the respective stages and take the green jersey.

個人総合時間賞 Individual General Classification
The Green Jersey1 EARLE Nathan
[JCL]After 8th Stage -
ポイント賞 Points Classification
The Blue Jersey41 LAMPERTI Luke
[TRI]After 8th Stage -
山岳賞 King of the Mountain Classification
The Red Jersey144 QUINTERO ARTEAGA Leonel
[VCH]After 8th Stage -
新人賞 Best Young Rider Classification
The White Jersey43 JOHNSTON Liam
[TRI]After 8th Stage -
団体総合時間賞 Team Classification
Team ClassificationJCL TEAM UKYOAfter 8th Stage