栃木県宇都宮市を拠点とする UCI コンチネンタルチーム。チームは今年で設立 15 周年を迎えた。今シーズンは選手が大きく入れ替わり、チーム史上初となる外国人選手も所属。チーム一丸となりステージ優勝、総合上位を狙いたい。
UCI Continental Team is based in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture.This year marks the team's 15th anniversary.This season, the team has undergone a major turnover in riders, and for the first time in the team's history, it now includes a foreign rider.The team is aiming for a stage win and a high ranking in the overall standings.

個人総合時間賞 Individual General Classification
The Green Jersey1 EARLE Nathan
[JCL]After 8th Stage -
ポイント賞 Points Classification
The Blue Jersey41 LAMPERTI Luke
[TRI]After 8th Stage -
山岳賞 King of the Mountain Classification
The Red Jersey144 QUINTERO ARTEAGA Leonel
[VCH]After 8th Stage -
新人賞 Best Young Rider Classification
The White Jersey43 JOHNSTON Liam
[TRI]After 8th Stage -
団体総合時間賞 Team Classification
Team ClassificationJCL TEAM UKYOAfter 8th Stage