The team has received the invitation being ranked 10th in the 2017 UCI Asia Tour Invitational Ranking. The 2017 Asian Road Champion Sanghong PARK (South Korea) is the central member of the team. PARK has won the regional championship race ahead of the 12 riders in sprint, which also included BEPPU and ARASHIRO from Japan. Sang-Hoon PARK (South Korea) is also speedy talented rider, having placed 3rd in the time trial for Tour de Tochigi this year. As this rider is specialized in track races, he also shows his competency in stages which requires strength to ride solely. The team itself is categorized as being competent in aggressive racing.

第2ステージ終了時点 チーム成績
区間賞 Stage Winner
#08 TOKYO143 LAAS Martin
[ILU]finish -
個人総合時間賞 Individual General Classification
The Green Jersey41 GARCIA FERNANDEZ Marcos
[KIN]after 8th stage -
ポイント賞 Points Classification
The Blue Jersey12 BOLE Grega
[TBM]after 8th stage -
山岳賞 King of the Mountain Classification
The Red Jersey72 SUZUKI Yuzuru
[BLZ]after 8th stage -
新人賞 Best Young Rider Classification
The White Jersey63 HARPER Chris
[BSC]after 8th stage -
団体総合時間賞 Team Classification
Team ClassificationKINAN CYCLING TEAMafter 8th stage