Managed by the automobile components manufacturer Aisan Industry, the team focus in racing UCI Asia Tour. The team was renewed last season welcoming many fresh faces, and Damien MONIER (France) just joined from this season being the first non-Japanese rider for the team. AISAN targets for various results with their very balanced roster, including the sprinter Hayato OKAMOTO who claimed stage victory in Tour de Taiwan early this season, as well as the all-rounder Tomohiro HAYAKAWA with numbers of results. The team has a strength in team play having many speedy riders in the squad, and they will be seeking for both stage win and GC.

第2ステージ終了時点 チーム成績
区間賞 Stage Winner
#08 TOKYO143 LAAS Martin
[ILU]finish -
個人総合時間賞 Individual General Classification
The Green Jersey41 GARCIA FERNANDEZ Marcos
[KIN]after 8th stage -
ポイント賞 Points Classification
The Blue Jersey12 BOLE Grega
[TBM]after 8th stage -
山岳賞 King of the Mountain Classification
The Red Jersey72 SUZUKI Yuzuru
[BLZ]after 8th stage -
新人賞 Best Young Rider Classification
The White Jersey63 HARPER Chris
[BSC]after 8th stage -
団体総合時間賞 Team Classification
Team ClassificationKINAN CYCLING TEAMafter 8th stage