[Specific Regulations]
- The 5th TOUR OF JAPAN is organized by the TOUR OF JAPAN Organizing Committee from May 21th to May28th 2000 under the International Cycling Union (hereinafter referred to as UCI) rules and the present specific regulations.
- It includes 6 stages for a total of about 868km.
- Seventeen(17) Teams will be selected to take part in the 5th TOUR OF JAPAN.
- This race is open to Trade Teams I, II, and III or to other teams.
Each team includes 6 riders and 3 officials (Team Manager, Attendant , Mechanic).
- The riders shall be present and ready at least fifteen minutes before the time for leaving the assembly point (exceptionally 30 minutes for NARA stage and TOKYO stage).
- After the starting control closing time, the riders shall proceed to the starting line and be at the starter's disposal.
- All riders may render each other such minor services as lending or exchanging food, drink, spanners or accessories.
- The lending or exchanging of wheels or bicycles, or waiting for a rider who has been injured or dropped behind, shall be permitted only amongst riders of the same team.
- Riders may receive breakdown assistance from the technical staff of their team or from that of one of the neutral assistance vehicles (car or motorcycles) provided by the organizer, or even from another team's mehchanic, if necessary.
- Whatever the position of a rider in the race is, he may receive such assistance only to the rear of his bunch and when stationary. The greasing of chains from a moving vehicle shall be forbidden.
- No equipment for riders may be prepared or held ready outside a techinical vehicle. Persons riding in vehicles shall stay inside and not reach or lean out.
- Team cars are provided by the organizer, and no other cars are allowed to be used.
- The order of vehicles is determined by the General Individual Classification, the race leader's team car being in first position and so on. For the first stage, the vehicles order will be determined by drawing lots at the Manager's Meeting.
- In the race, team cars must keep to the left side of the road and keep their own position following the Commissaire's car. They shall, in all circumstances, comply with the instructions given by the Commissaires, according to the current UCI regulations.
- In the stages, refreshments (bonk-bags and feeding bottles) shall be distributed only in the refreshment areas. No supplies shall be distributed from team cars.
- Refreshment areas are clearly identified and indicated by signposts showing the beginning and the end of the area.
- Refreshments shall be distributed on foot by accredited staff accompanying the team and by nobodyelse.
- No vehicle will be allowed to park on the roadside in the refreshment area.
- For each stage, supplies shall be allowed in the following areas.
Stage |
Location |
Period |
Area between 5.0 km and 5.3 km after the start line. |
Between the 7th lap and the 2nd lap to the last |
At bottom of the last hill before the finish line. |
Between the 10th lap and the 3rd lap to the last |
At bottom of the last hill before the finish line. |
Between the 6th lap and the 2nd lap to the last |
Area between 800 meters and 1,100 meters after the start line. |
Between the 8th lap and the 3rd lap to the last |
Area between 200 meters and 500 meters after the start line. |
Between the 7th lap and the 2nd lap to the last |
Area between 4.8 km and 4.5km before the start line. |
Between the 10th lap and the 3rd lap to the last |
- Any rider dropping out of the race must take place in the sag wagon.
- Riders who are injured or sick will be assisted by an ambulance of the Race's Medical Service.
- The teams must not help each other. Any particular assistance from a team member or from all the team provided to another team's member, even without the cost of his own chance, is forbidden.It will be strictly penalized, except in the case provided by Article 4-3 (breakdown assistance by another team's mechanic).
- Riders shall wear only their Federation, Club or Team's jerseys. The World Champion, the Continental Champions and the current National Champions shall wear their official jerseys.
- The General Individual Classification, Points Classification,Best Climber Classification and Sprint Classification's leaders shall wear the corresponding leader jerseys as provided by the Organaizer.
- If the Points, the Best Climber or the Sprint Classification's leader is also the General individual Classification's leader, the jerseys of these classifications will be worn by the seconds or the following riders,
- the priority order being:
- (1)General individual Time Classification's jersey
- (2)General individual Points Classification's jersey
- (3)General individual Best Classification's jersey
- (4)General individual Sprint Classification's jersey
- The main OFFICIALS in charge of the General Organization of the race are:
- - Committee Chairman
- - Committee Vice-Chairman
- - Race Manager
- - Technical and Sport Services Manager
- Riders shall affix to the front of their bicycle frame a frame number and wear two body numbers (small size) placed on their hips, on the right and on the left side.
Any alteration of an official body or frame number is forbidden. |
- All times recorded by the timekeeper shall be rounded down to the nearest second.
- All riders in a given bunch shall be credited with the same time when they cross the finishing line.
A new time is recorded when there is a break of at least one second in a bunch.
- A sign (red triangle) indicates the "1km to finish" point. A second signpost is placed further to indicate the last 500 meters,300 meters,200meters,150meters,100meters,and 50meters.
The finishing lines of the stages are indicated by a gate or a streamer placed just above and/or by a black and white checkered flag waved by an Official.
- In case of a crash, bicycle breaking or tire puncture in the last kilometer, the time recorded for the riders affected will be the same as for the last rider of the bunch in which they were at this time, and they will be cassified at the last place(s) of the bunch.
- The finishing time limit is the winner's time plus 15% for the Shuzenji stage and the Utsunomiya stage, and plus 10% for the other stages.
The Commissaires' Jury, after taking advice from the General Manager of the Organization, may extend this limit according to weather conditions or others, or may let through one or several riders.
- Any rider who finished after the time limit and who has not been let through will be disqualified and will not be allowed to start on the next day, as well as any rider having abandoned the race.
- Any rider or bunch who has been lapped may be stopped by the Chief Race Commissaires, and the time recorded will be that of the last rider finishing the stage with the added penalties suited to the circum stances.
- Besides the individual classification of each stage, there are 5 different general classifications in the race:
- (1) General Individual Time Classification
- (2) General Individual Points Classification
- (3) General Individual Best Climber Classification
- (4) General Individual Sprint Classification
- (5) General Team Time Classification
- To be qualified for the above-mentioned awards (1), (2), (3) and (4), a competitor must finish all the stages designated for each classification.
- The General Individual Time Classification is established by adding the times recorded in each stage and considering the possible bonus and time penalties.
In case of equal standing, precedence shall be awarded by adding the rider's, positions in each stage and, if necessary, according to his position in the last stage.
- The General Individual Points Classification is established by adding points awarded in the individual classifications of the stages, considering also the possible point penalties. In each stage, the following points are awarded to the 5 first riders, respectively: 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 points.
In case the total points for more than one rider are equal, the ranking shall be determined according to the number of higher points and, if necessary, according to the General Indivisual Time Classification.
- The General Individual Best Climber Classification is established by adding the points awarded in the hills considered for this classification, at the laps indicated hereafter according to the following scale: 1st: 5 points 2nd: 2 points 3rd: 1 point
The Best Climber Classifications are indicated by specific signposts.
They are located as follows:
Stage |
Laps |
Each of the 9th, 6th and 3rd laps to the last |
Each of the 8th, 5th and 3rd laps to the last |
Each of the 8th, 5th and 3rd laps to the last |
- In case the total points for more than one rider are equal, the ranking shall be determined according to the number of higher points and, if necessary, according to the General Individual Time Classification.
- There will be intermediate sprints on the finishing line at certain stages and laps indicated hereafter
Stage |
Laps |
Each of the 9th, 6th and 3rd laps to the last |
Each of the 9th, 6th and 3rd laps to the last |
Each of the 8th, 5th and 2nd laps to the last |
- Points awarded for each sprints classification are respectively: 5, 2 and 1 point are awarded to the 3 first riders.
In case the total points for more than one rider are equal, the ranking shall be determined according to the number of higher points and,if necessary,according to the General Indivisual Time Classification.
- The General Time Team Classification will be decided by adding the three best times of each team at each stage including bonus times and penalty times. The team with the best time will be placed first and so on.
- In the General Classification, in case of equal standing, precedence shall be awarded to the teams recording the greatest number of 1st places in the stages, classifications and eventually of 2nd and 3rd places.
- Time bonuses are awarded at the finish of the Osaka, Motegi and Tokyo stages on the following conditions:
- Finish: respectively, 10 seconds, 6 seconds and 4 seconds for the 3 first riders
- Intermediate Sprint: respectively, 3 seconds, 2 seconds and 1 second for the 3 first riders
- Penalties which may be handed down are those listed in the scale of UCI's current Regulations.
- Anti-doping control will be carried on according to the UCI Anti-doping rules.
- The official ceremonies will be held soon after the finish of each stage. The first placed competitors of each section, the General Time Classification, the General Point Classification, the General Best Climber Classification and the General Sprint Classfication will be awarded and the leader's jerseys defined in Article 9, Point 2 will be presented to the first placed competitors in the General Classifications.
- The riders concerned will be informed directly and must be present.
- Any prizewinner who rufuses to take part, wearing his racing attire, in an Award Ceremony may be Penalized
- The awards corresponding to the different Classifications of the Race are listed and appended to these regulations
- Any competitor whose anti-doping test results prove to be positive will be disqualified from the race and no award shall be presented after the date of the test.
- The specifications of the helmets used by the competitors during the race must comply to the regulations of the National Cycle Federations to which the competitors belong.
- The two Official Languages used for all communications during the race will be JAPANESE and ENGLISH.
- Competitors, managers and other team staff in each team participating in this event must respect these Specific Regulations.
| Top | Overview | Teams | Stages | Results | |